There is a Place

by Dreama Vance

There is a place within me. I call it the dwelling place. It is a place where I can sit down and just be. It is a place where I can rest. I can let go of all the cares and worries of the world. I can be quiet and shut out the noise of the day. So sometimes I call it the resting place.

It is a place. It is a place within me where I can go and be still.

Just for five minutes I can rest and be still.

I don’t have to pray. I don’t have to ask for anything. I don’t have to save the world, and I don’t have to be spiritual. I don’t have to use the right words or the right techniques to find God, understand God or have God do anything for me.

I can just rest and be still.

Oh, it is a blessed place to just be quiet and not have to do anything.

As I rest in this place within my being, it feels like the lap of water against the side of a moored sailboat. That gentle rocking motion, so soothing. It flows over me, rocking me, soothing and calming. Like a babe rocked in mother’s arms, held close to the heart, the fretfulness falls away. Peace is restored. I can breathe again, I notice, as I release a deep sigh.

The dwelling place. It renews me. It restores me. I want to live in this place all the time. That is why I call it the dwelling place. I want to reside here, dwell here. I know such peace in this place. I feel beautiful here; beauty surrounds me.

I feel nurtured here in this place. All of the broken pieces of me are knit up. I’m not broken any more. I am made whole again.

I notice the Sun is shining gently, smiling on my spirit. Everything is gentle in this place. It is a place of ease and flow. Ease and flow. I call this grace. This grace flows through me and I am part of it.

It is my dwelling place.

It is my dwelling place.

Dreama Vance is a New Reality wellness expert and co-founder of the Spiritual Dynamics Academy. While her insights into spiritual truths are legendary, her specialty is research into effective methods of healing and attaining wellness of mind, body and spirit. After years of exploring healing modalities, she has become expert in three that are highly powerful and effective. Her current research involves tuning into Gaia, the Mother Earth, to discover more about the inner secrets of Gaia’s ancient wisdom teachings. Find out more at

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