How to Set Your Vibration to Happy

by Kumari

A few years ago, I had a huge “aha” moment. My husband had been coming home each night completely exhausted, and I found myself living for the weekends when we might have some “normal” time together. Growing up in Germany, he was always very industrious and had a decent money flow, yet his upbringing had never instilled an expectation of being Happy while working!

Since loving what I do for a living was always of the highest value for me, I hadn’t noticed that he wasn’t operating under the same assumptions. Super productive, creative, and a steady flow of work, yes. Happy, not so much.

Work was more of a struggle, something to suffer through. Something you just had to do, but not necessarily enjoy while doing it. This meant he gave every drop of energy to work, and had nothing left for himself at the end of the day, much less for a partner.

One day we were on our morning walk in the park when I mentioned that he could add “Happy” to his workday. For several minutes, we both connected with the vibration of Happy as an experiment. Within two days, the shift was nothing short of remarkable! And the results were not just an elevated mood—he was getting more work accomplished, in less time, coming home several hours earlier, with energy to spare at the end of day!

How is this possible? Everything has its own vibration, or energetic frequency. Words have meaning and carry a signature frequency, just as different musical genres have different feelings and moods, such as the pounding rhythms of rock vs. the serenity of classical melodies.

There are specific vibrational frequencies for thoughts, emotions, sensations—even each bodily organ has its own unique energetic frequency. Fear and grief, for instance, are very slow, dense vibrations—while love and gratitude are among the highest-vibration emotions, very fast and light frequencies.

Beginning to sense things on a vibrational level allows us to tune into subtler levels of awareness and existence and the various frequencies that we are giving and receiving all the time.

We do not need a complete scientific or mental understanding at this point, just as we do not need to understand how radio frequencies reach our home in order to listen to our favorite music on a radio.

Yet it is helpful to begin to notice and recognize the differences in the energies of what we are exposed to, and to be able to describe them and notice the different sensations associated with these frequencies as best we can. So rather than talk about what happiness is, for that may vary for each of you, I decided to share a way to connect directly to the vibration of Happy instead.

Energy Alchemy Technique: Set Your Vibration to Present and Happy

Energy alchemy refers to our ability to shift one state of mind or being to another more desirable one. This technique uses the power of intention to call on and explore the higher frequency of “Happy” and to become intimately familiar with this state of being, so that we may consciously raise our vibration in order to live with more enjoyment.

In addition, you also may notice that you begin to connect to other beings with a more loving, peaceful, and open presence; that you begin to feel others’ energy and presence more fully; and you may even begin to experience self-healing.

For this vibration technique to work, you need to create focused thought and then anchor in the FEELING to truly manifest a particular emotional state or experience. I have been teaching this technique for a few decades, and I have found some things that really help to make the practice consistent and to easily get quick results.


Say the word HAPPY out loud, and notice how you feel saying this word.

Do this exercise each day for the next two weeks and feel or demonstrate this word consciously as often as possible. Wear it like a coat. The key is to focus on the word until you FEEL it in the body (this takes you from the mental plane to the physical plane). When you forget, find the feeling once again and continue.

Have an attitude of playfulness and exploration, rather than seriousness and worry about “getting it right.”


Begin by gradually become aware of your breathing, in and out, in an even circular pattern.

Begin to notice your body, as the breath gently moves in and out.

Feel different areas of your body, taking inventory: where you are open, where do you feel tightness or constriction.


First we will bring in the vibration of Present.

Say out loud (in a commanding tone): “I am calling all of my energies back into Present. All of my thoughts, feelings, emotions, ideas, concepts, and beliefs come back to me now. I am totally present. On every level, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically, from all time, space, or dimensions, I call all parts of myself back, right here, right now. I am Fully Present.”

Continue in this way until you feel a shift.

Notice how you feel. Observe any sensations during the process. Do you feel any energy or sensations gathering up within you or leaving you? Is the movement coming in from outside of your body? In which direction is it flowing? Does it have texture or color or sound? Do you feel more focused, aware, calm, or energized?


Now we are ready to call on the vibration of Happy.

Say out loud: “I connect with the frequency and vibration of Happy.” (Note: using these exact words seems to amplify the results dramatically. It is as if you now have all the necessary coordinates for accessing the full energetic bandwidth that exists for this state of being.)

“I love to feel so Happy. I AM SO HAPPY.”

Let the corners of your mouth turn up in a gentle Mona Lisa smile, as this sends a signal to the brain to release happy molecules (endorphins).

Again, notice where the feeling arises from; does it well up within, or seem to enter your being from the outside? Does it have a separate distinct essence? Does it have a texture or color? Is it soft, firm, rough, smooth, bright? You are becoming attuned to subtle vibrations when you observe in this way.

Bring the happy vibration consciously into any areas of your being that seem tight or constricted. Does it have an effect on your breathing when we call on HAPPY? How would you describe it?

How do you feel now? What do you notice in your body and in your mind?

Say, “I am Happier and Happier.”

Does it feel powerful or delicate? Does it have any scent?

Let the vibration of Happy permeate your entire being.

Say, “I am very happy. I am pleased with myself.”

Sometimes this frequency is hard to connect with, so it helps to remember a specific instance that really stands out for you where you felt a sense of enjoyment. Recreate it and picture it long enough until you remember how it felt. It could be at the beach, holding a baby, playing with a puppy, etc. Once you get the feeling, you can drop the memory.

Eventually you will not need the reference of the past event because you will be able to find the vibration of Happy by calling on it directly.

Simple but Powerful

The seeming simplicity of this technique belies its transformative power. And, if you practice consistently, it is a huge exercise with significant opportunity to consciously create your reality. The Universe begins to send you all the matching resonant experiences of your version of Happy.

It is as if the Cosmic Kitchen serves up for you every dish that has the ingredient of Happy in it. For me, within one week I was sent several amazing platters of “Happy.” The tastiest was something I had been dreaming of for 30 years, since I had my first horse, whose name, I kid you not, was “HAPPY!”

I desperately wanted another horse to ride.

But the magic of this manifestation was that I had many very specific contingencies that seemed almost too much to meet (at least my husband thought it was impossible). I wanted:

1) a well-schooled Thoroughbred show horse that was above my abilities so I could learn from him,

2) a lovely and prosperous barn where he was extremely well cared for and turned out daily so I didn’t have to worry about him,

3) no feeding or stall cleaning chores,

4) the barn was within 20 minutes of my home,

5) I could ride whenever I wanted,

6) the owner was thrilled to have my help exercising the horse

7) it was all totally free.

Within a week, I was visiting a client’s barn, and she offered me this exact opportunity out of the blue. I didn’t even mention anything about it. The owner was quite busy, and felt badly that her long-time show horse was not getting enough exercise and TLC. The gorgeous grey gelding was smart, super well-trained, and amazingly aware.

He was EVERYTHING I had asked for, but I didn’t receive this marvelous gift until I became a vibrational match for it.

After practicing this technique for only for a few days, many things on my “happy” list started falling in my lap. I hope you are also ready to start enjoying the ride!


Kumari is an internationally acclaimed intuitive coach, master healer, best-selling author, spiritual evolutionary, and animal mystic. Her deepest joy is empowering others to unwrap their innate intuitive, manifesting, and healing gifts. Kumari hosted “Co-Creation Activations” radio show on World Puja Network and the Internet TV program “How to Heal Anything Live.” She is coauthor of the bestselling book Empowering Transformations for Womenand just released her new eBook Animal Communication Magic & Miracles: 13 Keys to Deepen Your Bond with Your Pets, Improve Health & Change Behavior Immediately.Kumari is a catalyst for spiritual evolution. Through energy alchemy and unveiling the human/animal spiritual interconnectedness, she has helped thousands around the globe experience bliss, our true divinity and Oneness. For more information visit


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