Crystals and Gems Part 1: Color Your World

By Marcia Bender

Crystals, stones, metals, and their properties have intrigued us from the earliest of prehistoric times. This interest has grown considerably in the past 20 years, as more and more individuals begin to open their minds and become aware of the beauty, power, and healing properties contained in them.

Many readers have asked me to devote a column to information about crystals—and I aim to please—so this will be the first of three columns on the subject. My office and home are filled with crystals, and I never plant anything without placing a crystal at its root. People entering my “space” always comment on the “stones”—some on their beauty and those who are more perceptive on the “power” they feel when entering my home. I am often asked if crystals really have “power,” and I usually answer that it doesn’t matter if they do or if they don’t. They are beautiful and make me feel good.

I have studied and collected crystals for many years, and I have come to my own conclusions as to what they are and what they can do for an individual, if that person is open and receptive to their power and has faith to work with them and expect results. I give crystals to my family, students, and friends as the most special of all gifts. Moreover, I always do a blessing and meditations over a “stone” before presenting it to a loved one.

There are many excellent books on crystals and their properties, and I have used two of these to write this series on crystals: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem, and Metal Magic, by Scott Cunningham, and Crystal Enlightenment, by Katrina Raphaell.

Early humans wore stones as amulets. Webster’s dictionary defines an amulet as: “something worn, often around the neck, as protection against injury or evil; a charm.” An amulet can be made of metal that may or may not contain a stone or stones. It is often in the shape of a religious object, such as a crucifix or pentagram, but regardless of its shape or consistency, whether it is of fine gold or silver, whether it is hung around the neck, in the car, or over a doorway of the home, it can make us feel safe and protected.

Crystals come in all shapes, sizes, colors and varieties, and each has its own special meaning and use. For this series, I have decided to focus first on color and then on certain crystals and their uses.

Finding Your Color

The remainder of this column will be devoted to color, which applies to any crystal or rock, regardless of shape, with a particular color or variation of that color in it. Find one that appeals to you, or feels as if it will enhance an aspect of your character that needs to be developed—and then carry it, wear it, or keep it with you and see what happens. Trust my advice, but remember faith in a crystal’s powers is necessary to achieve results.


White Stones: Quartz crystal, moonstone, pearl, calcite, mother of pearl, diamond, et al.

White stones are receptive and ruled by the Moon. They are linked with sleep and psychism. They are considered “lucky stones” and are often worn or carried in the pocket to promote good fortune. Many say the white stones are the most powerful of all, as white contains all colors, and a white stone can be a substitute for stones of any color. Quarts crystal is the most popular and most easily obtainable and affordable of all stones.


Purple Stones: Amethyst, flourite, sugilite, et al.

Stones which are purple or indigo-colored are receptive and spiritual. Ruled by Neptune and Jupiter, they are associated with mysticism and purification. These are excellent stones to wear for meditation, psychic work, or any work being done to “contact” the subconscious mind. Purple is the color of healing and peace. These stones are said to aid in relieving alcoholism, mental illness, and depression.


Black Stones: Jet, obsidian, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, hematite, et al.

Black stones are receptive, represent the earth, and are ruled by Saturn, the planet of restriction. They are symbolic of self-control, resilience, and quiet power. They are viewed as protective and are often used to “ground” a person and aid in the physical/material realities of daily living.


Red Stones: Red jasper, ruby, garnet, bloodstone, et al.

Red is the color of blood, of birth, and of death. Red stones are protective, active, and ruled by the planet Mars. Red stones are used to promote courage, to lend energy to the wearer, and to heal the body and ward off illnesses that are linked with the blood.


Pink Stones: Rose quartz, rhodochrosite, some sugilite, pink calcite, et al.

Pink stones are receptive and filled with loving vibrations. They are ruled by the planet Venus. Pink is calming, soothing, and used to lessen stress and relax the physical body as well as the mind. They are used to attract love, to strengthen love that is already in the life, to help balance a relationship that may be troubled, and to help one love one’s self. Pink stones are used to promote peace, happiness, joy, and laughter.


Orange Stones: Topaz, tiger eye, amber, red-orange agate, golden beryl, citrine, carnelian, et al.

Orange stones have some of the fire of red stones, but are gentler in their effects. They are ruled by the Sun. These stones are used for protection, personal power, energy, and illumination. They promote an awareness of self-worth and are said to attract success and good luck to the wearer.


Yellow Stones: Some amber, sunstones, some flourite, some citrine, yellow diamonds, et al.

Yellow stones are ruled by Mercury and the Sun. They are said to aid in communication. They can help a person to self-express, aid in mental visualization. Yellow stones also are said to help writers, speakers, and performers in their work. These are stones of energy, safe travel, and can enhance mental awareness and memory.


Green Stones: Malachite, turquoise, emerald, jade, green tourmaline, peridot, green calcite, olivine, et al.

Green is the color of nature, fertility, life, religion, money, prosperity, and good luck. Green stones are worn for good health and to guard the health and are good for the eyes, kidneys, stomach, and headaches. Ruled by Venus, they are also supposed to increase fertility and to bring love and balance to the wearer. They are grounding and balancing stones that help with matters pertaining to the physical/material reality and success.


Blue Stones: Turquoise, aquamarine, chrysocolla, lapis lazuli, sodalite, flourite, azurite, blue topaz, et al.

Blue stones are ruled by the element of water and the planet Neptune. These are receptive stones that promote peace as sleep, as well as healing and balancing of the emotions. They are said to be good for people who experience nightmares and sleep difficulties. They are often held or worn to reduce or remove pain from the body. Blue stones are said to be a stone of purification.


Multicolored Stones: All stones that consist of various colors, combinations, and hues. Opals are an example of this, as they contain rainbows and a variety of colors.

It is important to look at the colors individually, find which is the dominant color in the stone, and then combine the energies of all the colors to find the best use for the individual stone.

My next two columns will be focusing on the shapes of crystals and stones as well as various types of crystals and semi-precious stones and their uses.

Until next month, remember that:

Knowledge is the Greatest Power, so Walk in the Light.

Marcia began her career as a school teacher, working with preschool through inner city high school students. She has worked with all aspects of Metaphysics for over 40 years and specializes in Tarot and Numerology. Marcia’s clients and students are in every state and throughout Europe. Marcia has taught over 400 students to “read” the Tarot for the purpose of self-guidance and to use the powerful symbolism of the Tarot to reach higher levels of spirituality. Her column, Spiritually Speaking, originally ran for 8 years in Attitudes Magazine. Email

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