Nature Networking

By Rachael J Avery

Connecting with nature isn’t just for tree huggers! It’s for everyday people looking for relief, joy, love or motivation in life. Nature networking simply is developing and focusing an intention to interact with the healing properties of Mother Earth. It is accessible, affordable and healing, and it can be done from anywhere: on walks, running or even in meditation from the comfort of your own home. The benefits also can include lower blood pressure, a decrease in addictive cravings, weight loss and an increase in contentment with life.

Nature Networking is the conscious allowing of universal support. Mother Earth is neutral. She only offers love. Moreover, she doesn’t care about the amount of money in your bank account, what size pants you wear, or what fears you currently embrace; there is no judgment from her side.

Think of all the waving tree branches, leaves and animals that surround you every day. Nature is in continuous movement and supports YOU at every moment. Here are 10 ways to take advantage of Mother Earth and network with the nature around you:

  • Find a tree or bush that “speaks” to you. Use your intuition and imagination to receive a word of inspiration from it.
  • Ask an animal that calls to you what words of wisdom it has for you during this time in your life?
  • Find a pinecone that “speaks” to you. Ask Mother Earth permission to take her precious jewel and, if she grants it, take it home and paint it for decoration. This also works well with small rocks.
  • Pay attention to special gifts from Mother Earth while on walks. Then often include leaves, feathers or sticks that cross your path.
  • When exercising outdoors, imagine every waving branch and bird singing and cheering you on.
  • If nature we’re dancing to a Bee Gee’s song, which song would it be? Imagine that song in your head as you watch nature choreograph a nature disco dance .
  • Pick up and infuse either a rock, stick or leaf with a worry or thought. Ask that it be released from your body, and throw it into a body of water or into the distance and watch it leave you.
  • Ask the universe to help you find a secret nature spot. You will be led to your place in just a few days!
  • Give a big expansive tree or one of its leaves a high five when you walk by it!
  • Meditate in nature and ask Mother Earth for her wisdom on matters of concern in your life.

The “Running” Tree
I personally experienced the power of Nature Networking four years ago when my life was in major transition. I was crossing the threshold from survival to thriving, and the painful changes included a break up, a new job, starting a new business, and trying to lose the 60 pounds I gained during this life shift. I tapped into the healing power of Mother Earth and she immediately helped to remove a lifetime of scars and catapult me into balance and abundance.

I started this journey by giving special powers to a tree outside my apartment window, which became my “running” tree. I looked at it every day while dreaming of my new life, and I felt a calling to run. There was just one problem. I could only run for 3:36 minutes on my own before becoming exhausted, losing my breath, and having to stop. I decided one day that the tree could help me. Every time I passed that tree, I imagined that I was crossing a “magic” threshold that gave me special powers to surpass any reason, logic, or mental defeat; I just “knew” I could do anything with the help of that tree.

Day after day, when I felt like I wanted to give up on running I imagined every leaf flailing in the wind cheering me on saying, “Way to go! Awesome! Keep it up!” All of a sudden, I noticed all of the trees were cheering me on. Even the squirrels began to provide comic relief distracting me from my mental defeats. After only a few short months I could run for 20 minutes uninterrupted.

I felt that I had entered a networking contract with Mother Earth, and I was now reaping its benefits. Over two years, I lost the 60 pounds, but this weight loss wasn’t the primary benefit of my relationship with the magical running tree. More important was the mental transformation, peace, and “special powers” nature gave me through this process. It was the loving support, cheer and inner power Mother Nature loaned me until I saw it in myself.

May you also see Mother Earth as your biggest fan and have fun with the healing powers of Nature Networking!

Rachael J Avery is owner of The Grateful Pantry, an online community of grateful spiritual go getters exploring ways in which food, cooking and health challenges empower values. She is the author of a children’s book helping children make friends with trees. Learn more about how to skip through nature, food and life at

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