A Fresh Start

By Linda Commito

It’s time! Ready or not, “the tsunami of change” is here!

The new millennium, long dreaded and feared as “the end of the world” according to the Mayan calendar, is upon us. The unknown, the not-knowing, can create fear even when deep down we know that positive change would be the best thing for us.

We may be feeling stuck, uncertain as to what to place our faith in, not clear about what authentically defines us—who we are, what we stand for, how we want to show up in the world, and what kind of a future we want to create. We may have been relying on others thus far to lead us along, but really, WE’RE IT!

Our world is shifting and many things that we have known (or thought we knew) are already, or will be, falling away. It’s our minds that define endings as “bad,” as we hold on to whatever is comfortable and familiar long after we’ve outgrown the relationship, job, life situation or the persona that we show to the world.

How can we embrace this new era as an opportunity to let go of all of those things that no longer serve us—the material obsessions and excesses, our sense of separation, our judgments, stresses and fears?

Endings create opportunities for new beginnings: a fresh start.

While we will not likely experience the cataclysmic earth-ending event that we have long been hearing about, this new era, as well as New Year, is a perfect time to evaluate and make some major changes in our lives.

Here is our end-of-an-era opportunity to embody a new way of being that will serve not only each of us individually, but the community of humans that share our planet. It is a time of renewal, of new beginnings, a chance to live from our heart in a deepening connection to others, to our environment.

The “tsunami of change” is here, and I believe we are in the midst of a positive shift in awareness. If we can embrace this shift within and without, rather than being dragged through it kicking and screaming and whining that life isn’t fair, we may find that our love, compassion and passion make it an exciting time for us, empowering change for a better future.

Instead of curling up on the couch, let’s actively decide how we are going to step forward into this new millennium with courage, curiosity, and a commitment to contribute to creating a connected, compassionate world community. Positive change requires openness, confidence, determination, and trust. This is the time to speak our truth and step into a leadership role helping others along this new path.

I welcome the new millennium. It’s an exciting time! Here’s our chance for a fresh new start at co-creating our world—one that we choose to be a part of. It’s up to us and I am grateful that we’ll be doing it together.

Linda Commito is the author of Love Is the New Currency. Go to www.loveisthenewcurrency.com for more information.

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